2022 upgrades to GITWIKD

Decided to cam swap my wife’s 2005 GT and the deal was for her to drive my truck while I worked the bugs out. Jesus H Christ, did I have no idea how many kinks I was facing!!! I’ve had to sort through this list since April 25th:

  1. SCT tuner issue
  2. Heater hose burst
  3. Prochamber baffle came loose
  4. Serpentine belt shredded
  5. Replaced Prochamber with X-pipe
  6. Power steering pump locked up + 2nd belt shredded
Brenspeed Detroit Rocker blower cams
Busted heater hose coupling!
Yancy to the rescue!
Tuning issues
Together again, again?
Fluid everywhere…

Much more to come!

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